3 Reasons Why Flexible Workspaces Are Now The Best Long-Term Office Solution

 From reduced overhead costs to an increased focus on sustainable practices and community, there’s a wide range of factors that make flexible workspace efficient, reliable and high-value long-term options for businesses of all sizes.

Credit by All Work Space

White Paper Trends Forecast

Property expert warns London is ‘at risk’ of running out of flexible office space by the end of 2021

  Soaring demand for flexible office space in London, due to the effects of the pandemic, means it it set to run out by the end of the year, according to property experts. Peter Dudley, Managing ...

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The Future Of Work - What’s The Point Of A Shared Workplace?

After being in the co-working office space sector for close to 10 years, I’ve seen it change immensely during that time. It started with a few early adopters and is now much more mainstream as a new w...

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Do young people really need the office?

  David Solomon didn’t mess about. Homeworking is “an aberration that we’re going to correct as quickly as possible”, the Goldman Sachs chief executive and chairman said recently. “I don’t want a...

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Bringing People Back To The Office: Here’s What It Will Take

 As we look toward a post-pandemic future, many of us are craving a return to life as we knew it (or closer to what we knew). We’ll be glad to go back to the gym, eat out again and yes, even get ...

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Brand Positioning In The Flexible Office Market

 It sometimes feels like brands rule the world. They engage with us everywhere, from the high street to the internet, with pervasive cross-channel advertising. And it’s no accident that they crop...

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Are suburban offices the future?

  From urban to suburban: as the business world embraces remote working, here’s why suburban offices are the solution to our new working needs If there’s one thing Covid-19 has shown the business...

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Remote working is on the rise, but the office remains indispensable

     Out on a run recently, streaming music through my headphones, I thought of the parallels between the music industry and the commercial office sector. In the 21st Century, technolo...

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The pandemic has caused significant disruption to communities, businesses and the economy on a scale that has never been experienced before. The economy shrank 20.4% between April and June as ongoing lockdown measures led the country into recession

  It’s the first recession (defined as two consecutive quarters of economic decline) since 2009 when the global financial crisis wreaked havoc with economies around the world. Hospitality, touris...

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